2018 Bridge Thanksgiving Greeting

Dear Friends:

As we once again enter the festive time of thanksgiving and focus on all the blessings in our lives, our thoughts are with our Harvesters for God’s Kingdom around the world and those of you who for years have supported them through The Bridge with your prayers and finances.  Thank you for being collaborators with us in the Great Commission!

The images above display pictures of some of the men and women and the countries in which they serve who are part of The Bridge network.  There are others in our network, however, they work underground, due to security reasons, therefore  they are not depicted here. Most of our field partners live in some of the most dangerous and inhospitable parts of the world where there is great hostility to the Christian faith.  Steve and I personally know them, and I have personally visited many of their home bases and observed their fruitful ministries in the nations.  We know they live sacrificially and frugally—their passion is to effectively use the resources they receive to reach as many as they can with the life-transforming message of God’s love through Christ Jesus!

Thanks, again to all of you who already are investing resources into the hands of harvesters! You are sowing into good soil!  If you are not yet a financial partner with us, would you consider joining the ranks and begin supporting one of these families with a specific monthly contribution?

For those of you who send your donation by check via postal mail, you may continue to send your gift that way. However, there are a couple of safe alternatives in donating through The Bridge online  which may be more convenient for you:

  • Automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), also called Direct Deposit: Monthly withdrawal from your bank account into The Bridge bank account in a set amount of your choosing.  Please download the EFT form, fill it in, and send it with a canceled check by postal mail to the address provided on the form, which you will find at:  https://www.bridgeinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Bridge-ETF-Form-Web.pdf
  • Donate via PayPal by debit or credit card, which may be a one time gift or a preset amount at time intervals of your choosing.  You will find the yellow Donate button at the top right on this page.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family and friends!  Blessings,  Steven & Ragnhild (R.K.) Ulrich