2021 Annual Bridge Report

Dear Friends and Partners:

Steve and R.K. Ulrich

Steve and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!  We trust that 2022 finds you in good health and prospering in all things, even as your soul prospers! (3. John 1:2).

We specifically thank all those of you who so generously contributed to our mission partners and their projects last year, whether in prayer or via donations.  Your 2021 itemized Donor Statement is sent to your postal address and  includes the official contribution receipt for your Federal Tax Return, so please keep it in a safe place with your financial records.


Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?  The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.                                                                                  Psalms2:1-3

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic emerged from China onto the world stage, quickly expanding across the globe with death and destruction. 2021 proved to be another equally tumultuous year:  The lockdowns, originally instituted by the authorities as short term safety measures, “for the Greater Good” to get on top of the pandemic, gradually shifted in many places into authoritative mandates, with dire consequences if not followed.  The abnormal gradually became normal!  Whether intended or unintended, the massive transformation caused by required masking, social distancing, the closing of businesses, schools, social and spiritual activities, along with the isolation of people from all other meaningful human interactions, brought lasting negative effects in communities worldwide.  Beyond the obvious tragedy and grief of losing loved ones to the pandemic, it has caused equal, if not worse, misery:  family breakups, financial ruin, increased poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, depression and suicide.

Governments, public health officials and major drug companies came together in search for remedies to eradicate and stop the pandemic.  Vaccines were quickly launched for emergency use, regretfully bypassing the traditional safety net of scientific research.  But time was short.  On Dec. 14, 2020 the first human being took the vaccine.  In 2021, a number of vaccines and boosters followed from various drug companies .

With the availability of the jab more prevalent, increasingly more governments and health authorities slowly began instituting mandatory vaccination for their entire population.  We watched as politicians, public health agencies, big pharma, as well as the mainstream and social media joined in a powerful union.  They launched a massive worldwide media campaign with the promise that the virus would be quickly eradicated and life as it used to be would return to normal for the world at large, if everybody would take this safe and effective vaccine.

Initially, the majority of the world’s population trusted their leaders and willingly complied. Those, who for a number of legitimate reasons chose not to readily obey, but questioned and debated the official narrative, or decided to promote prophylactic alternative treatments, began to feel the pressure of the ever tightening draconian measures.  Many were vilified, accused of spreading dangerous “conspiracy theories”, canceled by social media and branded as pariahs.  They lost their jobs and were locked out from society at large as government-issued vaccination passports started to be introduced.  The only entrance back into society: Take the Jab!

However, as the year progressed, the official public narrative gradually began fading in the fog of disinformation and outright lies told by the powers that be.  The people discovered that many leaders did not submit to the mandates they had instituted for the public.  They became aware that some of the top  leaders who called out the “anti-vaxxers”, were the very ones enriching themselves through the jab.  The “vaccinated” discovered that multiple jabs and boosters do not protect them against being infected, re-infected or infect others, and concerns kept growing over the increasing number of serious medical side effects reported from the jab. The “unvaccinated” realized that, after recovering from Covid-19, their own natural immune system produced antibodies which provide a better and more lasting protection than the vaccines.

By the end of the year, people everywhere began asking, “What is happening?”  The world was awakening to the reality that an agenda besides health was emerging!

The pandemic has been the perfect opportunity for the globalist elites to take charge and centralize their grip on power with their Marxist-based Fascist ideology of totalitarianism.  They believe, in order to bring equity to the world’s resources, and managing the agenda of global warming, a shift must happen from the individual nations’ right to govern their citizens by democratically elected representatives, to a global governance by a self appointed group among the rich and powerful.  At the core of that elite leadership are members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) with its founder, Klaus Schwab, who thinks the time is near for The Great Reset to a New World Order—the shifting to a global governance will be successfully instituted “for the Good of Mankind.” The draconian mandates by the authorities to “protect” the world population against Covid-19 give them a perfect opportunity to test the introduction of this paradigm shift.

A massive reorganization in the centralization and consolidation of global power is taking place, and the pressure to comply in absolute obedience to the agenda keeps increasing. Individuality, dissent, faith and loyalty to a Higher Power, i.e. to the Biblical Jesus Christ, and the authority of the Word of God must not, and cannot be tolerated.  Those who protest against this public narrative must quickly be brought back in line, silenced by fear tactics and canceled from the public domain by social media and big corporations as a threat to peace and security. The longstanding war against the Judeo-Christian world view and persecution of believers in Jesus keep increasing in most totalitarian countries.  However, the fact that there are forces embracing these tactics in Western Democracies – especially the United States – indicates they are moving towards tyranny and away from the individual freedom guaranteed by their Constitutions.  The beacon of freedom with its shining light is dimming in the world, making the darkness a lot darker!

As the year came to an end, people the world over rose up in protest against the serious overreach by their governments.  Daily, there now are large protests against the draconian mandates and the vaccine passports in many major cities throughout the world.  These protests involve people from all walks of life, including highly educated and qualified doctors, scientists, professors, and specialists in the fields of virology, many of whom have been banned from the public sphere for sharing their expertise which do not line up with the public narrative.

You may wonder why so much attention in this Annual Report is given to the issues above, rather than focusing only on individual testimonies from the missionaries we sponsor. Our aim is to point out to you the fundamental change from individual freedom and liberty to the demand for absolute global obedience with its devastating consequences on everybody everywhere.  This also includes those serving the Gospel in the nations, although these effects are more acutely noticed in the free world!


 Although there continued to be lockdowns and restrictions placed on churches and fellowships in every nation where our Harvesters serve—in some places more severe than others—everyone, without exception, positively rose to the challenge.  They did not shrink back, but found new, creative ways of serving and bringing the Gospel to the people.  Due to the generosity of some of our donors, we were able to help, above and beyond our long term financial commitments, with food distribution in several communities among  destitute people who had become impoverished by the effects of the pandemic. 

The Internet also continued to be a source of blessing for the missionaries in virtually presented the Gospel to the unsaved and reaching their flocks with preaching, teaching and encouragement during the lockdowns. Fellowship replaced isolation and fear with Faith, Love and Hope!

There have also been devastatingly dark moments and discouraging times for some of our partners.  Topping the list is my good, longstanding friend, P.V. with his dedicated team.  For decades they served the Afghan people with God’s unconditional love, first among the refugees in Europe.  When the time was right, they then did the extraordinary thing—building from scratch the Village of Peace within Afghanistan! It was a Lighthouse of hope where the locals were trained to manage and administrate the many cottage industries and businesses within the Village, with the result that thousands were lifted out of poverty and despair!  The Afghan people gained a hope and a future!

Suddenly, in one swoop, it was all in ruin!  In the wake of the disastrous pullout of American troops followed the coup Taliban which brought them to power, darkness, terror and indescribable suffering are again the portion for the people of Afghanistan. However, there is a ray of hope. The locals who received and still carry the Light within, also maintain the hope that they will rebuild what has been destroyed. See https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2020/06/

Disaster also struck Haiti with a devastation earthquake in the area where one of our partners, Beraca Baptist Church in NY has for a decade had a thriving ministry and relief aid program through 1700 local church fellowships.  They did not flee from the disaster area, but rather pulled in with the locals and continued providing relief and bringing  His marvelous Light to the victims! Again, we assisted financially. See https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2021/10/

Cuba is another country which experienced major unrest and protests, due to the fact that there was no food in the country—people were starving.  Our longstanding partner, Jorge, found creative ways to help the Christians most in need, even through closed doors. Our donors participated! See https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2021/08/

To find information and updates on the Missionary/Harvester you have sponsored – or if you have an interest in the work of our Bridge partners in a specific region or country – please go to the website header above, click on COUNTRIES, then on REGIONS and you will find what you are looking for.  Click on ANNUAL REPORTS to get an overview on the last five years of Bridge activities. If you click on the DONATE button, it opens to a convenient way to give!
Blessings, Steve and R.K. Ulrich