Nairobi, Kenya — Update from Paul Cowley on the Discipleship Support Ministries Bible Institute

One of the greatest Joys of being on the mission field is directly observing the effect of God’s Word on the hearts and minds of the people. In the past three Semesters, we have studied, verse by verse, the books of Jeremiah, Obadiah, Haggai, Malachi, Psalms, Joel, Amos, 1st Kings, Jonah, Ephesians, Jude, Colossians, Peter, Epistles of John, Philemon and Revelation. In addition, every new student is required to take a semester long class in Inductive Bible Study Techniques.

At the end of each semester, the Student/Pastors voluntarily provide their feedback. They are candid testimonies from those on the ground who are on the receiving end of this Ministry. As you read the below small sample of current testimonies as an indication of the eternal effect of planting God’s Word in people, we hope you will gain further insight into the ground level effect of this Discipleship Ministry on the Pastors of the Least.  We trust you will be encouraged, and even challenged:

  • Keep it up DSM! You are changing our nation. I am thankful to God for the opportunity to be here.
  • This does not exist anywhere in Africa: a free Bible School for us slum Pastors! There is no school, no church, no ministry teaching the Truth we learn here.
  • I changed from a man-pleaser to a God–pleaser. I am able to stand firm, even when threatened by death.
  • The teachers and staff are well prepared, godly examples – like good fathers to us.
  • Volunteering duties have taught me that ministry starts with serving from the bottom-up, not top-down.
  • This ministry is God’s miracle in my life!
  • Learning the Bible verse-by-verse, book-by-book is standard. Every member comes to church with a Bible, pen, and notebook, ready and enthusiastic about learning the Word.
  • I do not know of anyone with such sincere love and care for slum Pastors.

Disciple Support Ministries Bible Institute. The descriptive title of Bible Institute rather than Bible College is purposeful. We emphasize the Bible, above all other needful and necessary topics that one should learn as a Pastor or Ministry Leader. This  allows us to focus on a growing gap in the church: Bible Literacy, which means being well-versed, familiar, comfortable and competent in fundamental Bible Theology, Exposition, Interpretation and Application. We do not teach topical classes, except one class on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, only books of the Bible: verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book.

The curriculum is the 66 books. Overviews, Summations and Surveys are out. A Gospel is taught every year. Revelation is taught every other year; all other books in various combinations of Old and New Testament books each semester, but never skipping or overemphasizing any book. The goal is to present the whole counsel of God as God presented it to mankind: unadulterated, undigested, uninfluenced by commentaries, denominational biases or personal preferences. In this manner we seek to fill the gap, rather than duplicate, what is already available in other teaching ministries in East Africa.

The program is distinctively limited to Pastors and Ministry Leaders, to garner the most influence and effect throughout the Body of Christ. If we can reach church leaders, the fruit will multiply far beyond the confines of the Bible Institute and the city of Nairobi. Another distinction is our focus on those who live and minister in the urban slums.  The city of Nairobi has approximately 5,000,000 residents. Of those, 65% live in slums. To reach most people, you need to go where they are. Unlike any others, our two Bible Institutes are inside the slums, filling a significant gap.  This is where most of our people live.

Finally, it is a Discipleship program. The goal is to make Disciples, not Bible scholars. And it is this distinctive that creates the greatest challenges.

If we just taught the Word of God at the Bible Institute, but did not require Change, we would simply be producing hearers, fat sheep, filled with the Word, but never exercising it. Likewise, if we just enforce rules, but do not teach the Word of God, we simply produce religious robots. And if we fixate on the numbers, whether salvations or  graduates, we are fooling no one but ourselves. There must be a simultaneous emphasis on Hearing the Word from God, and then Doing what is Pleasing unto God. Holding Pastors and Ministry Leaders in a Bible Institute accountable should be the norm, not the exception. Sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, but the Method of Ministry must follow in the Steps of Jesus: how He proclaimed the Word, how He discipled, how He lead by example, and how He never accommodated Sin. It isn’t always popular. But as our Pastors testify…it works!

The vast majority of our Pastors and Ministry Leaders are working Pastors. They work secular jobs full time to support their families, and their ministries. Full time work in Kenya is typically 5½ days per week. To come to the Bible Institute, they sacrifice a full or half day of work’s pay. That’s significant. It means a drastic reduction in the family’s provision, requiring a profound Step of Faith. I consider myself privileged to walk among such current day Heroes of the Faith.

Many first arrive at Bible Institute without secular provision, as they are encouraged, if not required, by their Bishops/Sr. Pastors, to prove their faith by quitting all secular work. This allegedly is a “step of faith” and proves they are “trusting God” for their provision. The result: most end in the terrible grip of destitution, subjecting their families to self-inflicted suffering. Eventually, many of these pastors “living by faith” morph into master manipulators, prosperity pimps and abusive hirelings that relentlessly beat the sheep for tithes and offerings. The fruit of disobeying God’s Word is always bad. Every time.  It is only through the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of God’s Word, that our Pastors are set free. God’s explicit command is for men to work. God requires work by all able bodied men. It is not optional.

In Nairobi, it is nearly impossible to find formal employment. But the informal sector provides many work opportunities. Even within the massive urban slums, there is an ongoing economy. Buying, selling, trading and transactions of every sort go on daily. In the Kibera slum, with over 1,000,000 residents, there are thousands of shops, stalls, skills and services engaged in meeting the daily needs of the residents. And therein lay the opportunity for the Pastors and Ministry Leaders to lead the way.

The fruit is glorious by every measure.  Over the many years of ministry, hundreds upon hundreds of Pastors and Ministry Leaders have been led into Obedience, and consequently, Blessings from God. We now have Pastors who represent every trade imaginable—welders, mechanics, shopkeepers, painters, drivers, security guards, plumbers, teachers, gardeners, traders, farmers, recyclers, cooks, cleaners, construction workers, tailors, and yes, even carpenters—just like Jesus!

One of the great scandals of the church these days is prevalent sexual immorality, especially involving church leaders! Four years ago, we implemented a new requirement. To graduate, you must confirm that the one you are living with is your legal spouse. Married in the eyes of God and man. Of course, we have exceptions for those few who are single, widowed or have exceptional situations. In my view, it was scandalous that we even had to implement such a rule. But the reality on the ground demanded it. Too many testimonies outside were reaching my ears: Pastors and Ministry Leaders going through the motions of the Discipleship, but living another reality. Year after year there was little change of hearts. By withholding Diplomas, we certainly got everyone’s attention! Good testimonies abound. Marriages restored. Families reconciled. Children “in submission with all reverence.” (1. Tim 3:4) Testimonies in the church, in the community, and at the attorney general’s office where marriage certificates are produced. The goal: to be conformed into the image of Christ!


Paul and Marcia Cowley need no introduction to our longstanding partners and friends.  We have followed them for almost twenty years since they as newlyweds gave up a prosperous life in South Florida, sold their home and business, then headed with a few belongings into the unknown— to the most extreme of all places: Nairobi, capital of Kenya, where 2.5 million slum dwellers live in squalor — 65% of the population!  “Who will I send and who will go”? The question echoed in Paul’s heart while the visiting missionary described the ignorance, poverty and lack of knowledge of Biblical truth among these slum Pastors.  Paul heard God’s call, and responded, “I am here, I will go.”

Without any preset curriculum, administrative  manual, or any other tools—only with the Bible in hand, he simply gathered hungry men and women who were willing to sit under the influence of the teaching of the Word of God.  He watched how the lives of the poorest of the poor—the Pastors of the Least, their families and communities, be transformed by the Power of the pure Word of God.  His report from the Bible Institute is awe-inspiring, humbling, and challenging!

Will you join the ranks and help sponsor the Cowleys and the ministry their Pastors?