Apostasy: The Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, the Nohadide Law and the Global Reset

This year, a center for a One World Religion will open in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Abrahamic Family House will consist of a mosque, church, synagogue, and educational center.  The purpose as described by its founders, is to be “a beacon of mutual understanding, harmonious coexistence, and peace among people of faith and goodwill. Through its design, it captures the values shared between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and serves as a powerful platform for inspiring and nurturing understanding and acceptance between people of goodwill.”  The Noahide Law is the underlying, universal belief system which must be followed by all!

The vision for the Abrahamic Family House originated after the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb in February 2019. The founder’s document continues, “This landmark will be a place for learning, dialogue, and worship – open to all and a true reflection of the UAE’s belief in tolerance and hospitality. Within each of the houses of worship, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about religious services, listen to holy scripture, and experience sacred rituals.”

Sounds harmonious and peaceful — right?  Not so fast! Following are some of the underlying facts:

  1. Although the UAE constitution guarantees freedom of religion, Sharia Law which is strictly followed, prohibits a Muslim to convert to another religion.  Many Muslim clerics believe that coverts (apostates) should be killed. 
  2. Teaching that Jesus is the Son of God and the only God is considered an insult to Allah or the Prophet Muhammad and offenders can be subject to imprisonment for more than five years and fined up to half a million dollars.
  3. The UAE has adapted a U.N. resolution, prohibiting teachings against Islam, including Biblical teachings, which is considered offensive. Biblical Truth and doctrine is the loser here!

by Robert Jurjevich

Our Bridge partners, the American—Dutch couple, Robert and Sandrina Jurjevich,  have for several decades been living and serving the Lord in the Muslim section of the capital city of Sarajevo, Bosnia.

To learn more about their them and their ministry, go to:

Isaac Newton once said, ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Rabbi Judah Alkalai (1798 – 1878), born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, throughout his life prophetically spoke, wrote and worked toward the re-establishment of the land of Israel. He was the rabbi of Simon Loeb Herzl and Jakov Herzl, respectively the grandfather and father of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern-day Zionism and the ‘Visionary of the State of Israel’. Theodor Herzl stood upon the shoulders of Rabbi Alkalai and saw the restoration of Israel.

The political world order was mainly framed according to the strength and ambitions of various kingdoms and empires. Yet all would change with the assassination in Sarajevo of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Frans Ferdinand, on June 28, 1914. The centuries old imperial world order crashed and there emerged the rise of nationalistic statehood. The prophetic seed that Rabbi Alkalai of Sarajevo had begun planting nearly a century beforehand, broke through the bloody soil of WWI and it seemed that the establishment of Jewish statehood was within reach. Yet the spirit of imperialism was not defeated, and it reorganized itself to not only prevent the rebirth of Israel, but to try and exterminate its children during the holocaust of WWII. The prophetic seed of Jewish nationalism seemingly was dead, yet with resurrection power the dream became a reality on May 14, 1948, with the declaration of Jewish statehood – Israel was once again a nation.

The League of Nations was created after WWI, yet it could not maintain peace in the world. At the end of WWII, the United Nations was formed for the same purpose yet has also failed like its predecessor. The present Russian-Ukrainian conflict again exposes the weakness of the UN structure and threatens to draw the nations into WWIII, possibly even into nuclear exchanges. Once again, the world order is shaken to its core and exposed to coming drastic changes. Amid much turmoil, the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah continues to be increasingly heard and received both within Israel and the nations.

Will the United Nations be able to continue in its present form and structure, or will it be supplanted by a new international order? If so, from where does that promise of world peace arise from? Over the last 20 years, a movement has begun to emerge within Israel whose aim is to replace even the political usage of the United Nations and to create a uniformed spiritual platform that all peoples, regardless of their religious differences, can be identified and unified by together within a new world order. This ‘new’ world order is a globalism based on ‘old’ Biblical yet universally accepted concepts.

In October 2004, a rabbinic organization was formed to be the transitional phase toward re-establishing the Sanhedrin (www.thesanhedrin.org) – the Jewish religious ruling body based on the Mosaic Law that aims to replace through its 70 Nations initiative, not just the Knesset (the legislative branch of Israeli government), but the UN itself to establish world peace  www.theseventynations.org.   The benefits for Israel are the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, the reinstatement of the Jewish priesthood with the animal sacrifices, and the replacement of a secularized government with the Sanhedrin. The benefit for the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) is a recognition by the Sanhedrin for ‘righteous’ status based not upon the Mosaic Law but upon the Noahide Law (www.noahideworldcenter.org).

What is the Noahide Law? Alleged basic laws of God given to Noah, which applies to all mankind, to all nations – except to Israel, which is given the higher standard of Torah (Law of Moses). There are seven principles which, if a non-Jew will pledge themselves to, the Sanhedrin will declare him as a ‘righteous son of Noah’, meaning Righteous Gentile:

  1. Do not worship idols
  2. Do not blasphemy God
  3. Do not murder
  4. Do not commit adultery
  5. Do not steal
  6. Do not eat flesh torn from a living animal
  7. Submit oneself to courts of justice (Sanhedrin)

The preparations for this modern-day Sanhedrin fortunately has no authority presently in Israel.  He would have the ability to declare any non-Jew giving allegiance to the Noahide Law to be declared ‘righteous’ before God; likewise, any non-Jew not giving allegiance to the Noahide Law would be declared ‘unrighteous’ and face the judgment of death by the Sanhedrin. For Jewish people, the standard for ‘righteousness’ is strict compliance to the Mosaic Law (temple worship with priesthood and sacrifices) once it can be fully reinstated. Messianic Jews (Jewish believers in Jesus the Messiah) would be declared ‘unrighteous’ and face death.

The Noahide movement has gained momentum over the last few decades. Every US president since Ronald Reagan has signed a declaration of US recognition of the Noahide Law. This ‘new’ Sanhedrin movement has established a synagogue beneath the Western Wall in Jerusalem to where foreign leaders can come to sign onto the Noahide Law. The Abrahamic Family House project, which is a complex built in Abu Dhabi housing a synagogue, mosque, and church (www.forhumanfraternity.org) is evidence of the growing focus on removing religious barriers to create a uniform religious identity. Noahide religious centers and fellowships have increased and begun networking together worldwide.

As one who loves Jesus and loves the Jewish people, my heart cries out for an outpouring of God’s Spirit and blessing upon Israel and the nations. At the same time my heart breaks because of the rise of deception, division, destruction, and death (the four horsemen of Revelation 6:1-8) among the nations. We must stay alert, as watchmen upon the wall, standing in the gap through our prayerful intercession for Jerusalem, Israel, and the nations.

From R.K.’s Corner

We are at war!  No, here I am not referring to the current war incited by Russia in Ukraine, but a far larger, world wide war.   It is an ideological, economic, cultural and spiritual war waged by a global elite of the rich and powerful against Western civilization which fostered prosperity, individual freedom and liberty via the democratic process built on the Judeo-Christian world view. The bulwark which stands as a protection of freedom against tyranny is the Truth, anchored in the moral principles of the Bible.   Today, we see a full assault against  the cornerstone of Biblical faith – Jesus Christ and the Triune God!  The Christian faith must be eradicated for the new Global Reset to take place.

Lack of space here makes it possible to only give a brief introduction to some  of the aspects of tyranny which are emerging in a perfect synchronism for the elite to endeavor controlling all human activities, their thoughts and faith, as well as the world’s resources.  Please do your own research and ask the Lord where you fit into the ranks of this battle.

The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset

This month, 2000 individuals from among the richest and most influential people in the world will be gathering at the WEFWorld Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Klaus Schwab, its Founder and Executive Chairman is the architect of the ideology that the world is entering a Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) requiring a “Great Reset.” 

This “New World Order” requires a fundamental revolution in governance of the world’s population “For the Better Good.” Instead of individual countries governed by democratically elected leaders, “Stakeholder Capitalism” will effectively redefine human beings, not as citizens— free individuals or members of living communities—but rather as secondary participants in a business whose profitability is the only aim in a global, borderless world. At the center of this new governance is WEF, a self selected global coalition of hand-picked and unelected individuals from multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations whose duty is not to serve the public, but to impose the rule of the 1% on that public with as little interference as possible. The end goal is Global Fascist Totalitarianism,  and their tools are many:

1  The new technologies of 4IR rolled out via 5G enable new forms of surveillance to gain full control over all human activities and thoughts: Transhumanism via artificial intelligence, smart tattoos, implanted microchips, biological computing,  custom designed organisms

  1. Covid-19 with its worldwide draconian measures was a special gift—a dress rehearsal for what is to come.
  2. The new Abrahamic Family House —a One World religion without God!
  3. Climate Change—rule the masses with controlling regulations and fear of future!
  4. Equity and Gender—redefinition of the basic structures of the Judeo-Christian family unit: husband, wife, children.  Redefinition of what is a human being — what is a man, what is a woman. Dividing the population by redefining the value of a human being based on skin color, rather than his or her character.
  5. Marxist Fascism—dividing the population in two groups: The Oppressor and the Oppressed based on skin color.


Let us not fear, but stand firm in our faith and convictions, follow the Lord and obey His Word, and be encouraged by scripture verse  in James 12:1 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Caring for War Victims in Ukraine and War Refugees in Australia, Poland and Moldova


Left: Many devastated homes among thousands upon thousands.  Middle:   Sometimes the Body of Christ amazes me! In one day, FIVE different Christian organizations turned up to meet in Kaharlyk,  bringing aid, networking and sharing plans how to do war-zone ministry. An ad hoc team from “A Jesus Mission” Romania is about to return for round two.  Right: One of the five refugees safely staying in our home, cooking and serving us a national Ukrainian dish, Borscht.


Good evening friends!  Please pray for us! You can’t even imagine what’s going on here!  My family and I are in the church on the left bank.  By the grace of God, we are alive, The city is simply wiped off the face of the earth, it is completely destroyed.  There is no electricity, there is no gas as the gas pipeline is blown up.  People go out on the rubble in the streets to cook their own meager food over open fire, but there is no water. The streets are broken, shops are smashed and looted, guns are fired, cannons, aircraft, bombs just fall around us just a few meters from the church, but God controls this distance.  Only our windows are blown out, but we are alive.  Now the generators are turned on, so we can cook quickly and charge our phones as we briefly have a network connection. I keep writing faster until it disappears.

Please pray for us! When there was a corridor we wanted to leave with my family, but the car immediately broke down, the Lord did not allow us to go far, we are trusting He has a plan of rescue for us!  Even if everything ends, people have nowhere to live as everything is broken!

This is not the end, but it is very scary. The corpses of the dead lie in the streets, no one is collecting them, perhaps they have no time to take care of them. Lots of saboteurs around ! By the grace of God, we have a meal twice a day in the church, but we save on everything.  Yesterday, for the first time, I washed our children.  May the Lord give wisdom to the rulers that they will quickly come to an agreement on peace!   We don’t know how to continue living. The Lord is with us He is strong!


Our truck is packed down with oil, flour, sugar, noodles, canned food, wet wipes, power banks, and other things deemed useful.  Time for a short sleep and to hit the road to Ternopil, Ukraine.  I appreciate your prayers, as do all the guys who are going and all the folks we are going to meet. Pray especially for those who will go as far as eight hours further East than I will on this trip.

My thought tonight before bed: “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” – C.T. Studd

April 8, 2022

Yesterday, we arrived safely in Ternopil. In addition to a longer stop at the border, we beat the route well. We were only questioned longer at the checkpoint before entering the city.

In Ternopil, we supplied one of the local churches with the most basic things the church needs to bring practical help to refugees from eastern Ukraine. The church used to run its gym in the basement, but now, the gym has become a place of refuge for residents in the surrounding area. Vitaly said: “Once upon a time, people didn’t want to hear the gospel and come to church. Now that the war is on, many people from around here come for prayer”.   The light shines in the darkness but the darkness cannot overcome it. Crisis, drama, war are the beginning for the manifestation of the power of the Gospel in the heart of people. It is my prayer too, that the Ukrainians forced to flee will find the ultimate safety in salvation of Jesus.

In the evening, we visited YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in Ternopil. We met Sasha, who is the director of the organization in this city. With tears in his eyes, he told us about what is happening in Ukraine, with the same faith and confidence that after a short or long time this situation will change. There are 32 evangelical churches in Ternopil. They organize 22 shelters, where they take in 3500 refugees a day, along with providing food, clothing and finding a new home for the refugees in Europe.

YWAM has been helping to evacuate Ukrainians from eastern Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Almost every day they send their people to transport refugees to Ternopil from the east of the country and then further into Europe. YWAM at its base accepts 110 people a day per night. A baby was born at their resort yesterday. Due to mother’s stress, the baby was born prematurely.  Sasha said with a smile that he should be named Victor – the Winner.

There are 13 full time workers at the YWAM base in Kiev. They are evacuating and feeding refugees – 600 people a day. They have themselves decided not to leave the capital unless Kiev will be completely besieged by the Russian army. Risking their lives to save others’ lives. There are miracles of daily multiplication. The chef says every day that there is not enough food to feed 600 people, but every day the food is miraculously multiplying, enough for everyone. Ukraine has violence but also God’s grace.

April 9, 2022

We are spending the night at another church in Ternopil. I awake at 3:00 am at the air raid sirens blaring. I can see the lights from people’s flashlights outside the window that they make their way to shelters.  My roommates and brothers are sound asleep. One is snoring louder than the sirens. I don’t think I’ll wake them up just yet.  These people live through this every night. “Lord, bring an end to this violence. Rise up and show yourself strong!”

The church where we are staying has turned its sanctuary and Sunday School rooms into actual sanctuary for 35 refugees a night.. A group of appr. 20 volunteers will spend the night here, tending to the needs of those who will come, having only the clothes on their backs and a bag or two of items they could take.

April 10,  2022

The three vehicles are unloaded. We will probably try to move on before curfew, but I’m not sure. Might stay here for the night.  Our team is separating ways today.   One of our guys is going to the Romanian border to pick up people who are waiting for him to take them to Toruń. Another is bringing people from Ternopil to Przemyśl to return back to Ukraine tomorrow. I’m heading back to Warsaw with four women and a child. They will be in our home for a few days.  Good. They need family. They need a clean and safe place to be. They need the Word of God ministered to their hearts and minds.

The trip would take eight hours by car under normal conditions. The wait at the border could be at least 14 hours or as long as a day.  We need endurance, they need comfort.  These ladies have escaped a city up North which has been surrounded, bombed and under siege. They don’t speak English and I don’t speak Ukranian. Not a problem. He’ll figure it out. I want to be a blessing to them.

UPDATE: I’m safely home. Praise God!  The wait on the border yesterday was only three hours, which to me was a miracle. The road was very challenging with a mixture of potholes and unpaved, winter-worn farm roads. We had to go through ten or so military checkpoint stops. Total travel time was 12 hours, but that includes an hour trying to find a store in Warsaw to buy some foldable mattresses, no luck – all sold out! That illustrates how many refugees are currently staying in homes in Warsaw.


War brings out the worst and best in mankind.  Through the mainstream media and the web we are all daily, 24/7 being bombarded with horrific real-time images and video footages of inhuman atrocities and suffering on a massive scale.

Here, I focus on one of the  positive side in this war—the thousands of ordinary people who have risen to the occasion to help their fellow man at their own cost and peril. I briefly present here our three contacts, our partners who bring the Bridge funds in full, directly into Ukraine to relieve the suffering of the war victims, and also help refugees who have fled into neighboring countries. They are true Ambassadors of Christ, heroes who demonstrate sacrificial love care towards the needy.

In last month’s issue, Roedie Rap, our Australian friend shared the historic background of Ukraine, and gave his view on the conflict.  He is  continually in direct communications with brothers and sisters within Ukraine and has brought five refugees across the ocean to live with his family in Melbourne.

Corey Booher, son of a dear longstanding friend and Bridge intercessor, Paul Booher who is now with the Lord, lives in Warsaw, Poland with his wife, Angelika.  He is a full time missionary, and is engaged with a network of ministries and goes with their teams into the war torn parts of Ukraine to rescue people from death and destruction, and bring relief to those who cannot leave.  He has just rented a larger home for his family in Warsaw to give shelter and care for the fleeing refugees  On pages 2-3, Corey gives us a report from one of his April trips.

Andreius,  son of Sargon Daniali, our Assyrian friend and partner serving Iranians in Turkey, is studying Economy and Management based on a Judeo-Christian theology at the University in Chisnau, the capital of  Moldova.  Andrei initiated and has brought together a team of four fellow students. They began raising funds to help the Ukrainian war victims who had fled across their border to find shelter in Moldova. With the funds they have rented an apartment for the mother daughter above, and a room where several families daily come together to be fed and ministered to.

Roedie and Jeanette Rap—with the Ministry of Love from Australia to Russia and Ukraine

My wife, Jeannette and I were born and grew up in the Netherlands. As a young businessman and newly married, Jeannette and I immigrated to Melbourne, Australia where we made our home, raised three children and built a thriving automotive business. Being active believers in the Lordship of Christ, we were ready to serve others with the blessings we had received.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, God gave me a burden to help bring the Gospel in person to the Russian people.  Our church leadership came behind us and supported our call.

I had heard about The Bridge Int’l, so in 1997, I visited their Dutch office in Amsterdam. Connections were made, and I was hired to serve as head of the Bridge Bible School in St. Petersburg, Russia while overseeing some of the young churches planted by the graduates from the school.   In December, 1997, I moved with my family to Russia where we spent two years in St. Petersburg. At the end of 1999, we were called back to Australia. We did not want to leave, but there was absolutely no doubt that God had called us home. We  were sad, but we obeyed.

Back home, we are part of a thriving local church, Care Force Church, Mt. Evelyn, which has a clear vision for world missions. Our leaders were happy at our homecoming and asked us to serve in India, where our church already had a very large church planting mission. We loved it, but the love and burden for the Russian  people were still in our hearts and prayers.

In 2001 God showed me a vision: A large map of the whole former Soviet Union while a finger appeared and drew a big circle on the map. All five …stan countries of Central Asia and a very large chunk of Russia were in this circle. Our church blessed us to return and pioneer something very new: A healing ministry based on the work of our senior pastor at the time.  See:  https://www.careforcelifekeys.org/default.as

We translated the programs and started training Facilitators in seven countries, Russia being the main one. The word spread fast, so in 2004 we were approached by Ukraine. A major Evangelical Seminary in Kyiv soon after made the course a subject for three of their Bachelor classes.

Since 1997 and Ukraine since 2004, till the end of 2019, we have been traveling every year on short term ministry trips to Russia while teaching and training church leaders and believers. Then, Covid-19 hit the world; Australia locked its borders. It shut down our travels abroad for two years which brings us to the present.

We are blessed to know and love so many Russians and Ukrainians across those two vast countries through our network of personal relationships which is a great tool in our current effort to help the victims of war from Ukraine.  Right now, we are busy working on bringing several Ukrainian refugee families to Australia to stay with us to help them with a new start.


Before year 1000, neither Russia nor Ukraine existed.  Ukraine’s capitol, Kyiv (Kiev in English), however has a longer, rich, and often stormy history.  There is archeologic evidence that various tribes and peoples have lived in that region since before time immemorial.  The officially recognized year of the establishment of Kyiv as a city was in 487, so the Ukrainians celebrated its 1500 anniversary in 1982. Moscow was founded in 1147, 660 years later!  Kyiv, located on the Dnieper River was an important stop on the trade routes by Slavic tribes and also for the Vikings who traded all the way south to Constantinople, as well as a connection point East-West via the Silk Road.

In 988, Vladimir of the Kingdom of Rus, a prince of Viking origin, having converted to the Christian faith, baptized the whole nation and established the Orthodox Church in Kyiv.  By the 12th century Kyiv’s wealth and religious importance was demonstrated by its more than 400 churches, some of them are still beautifying the city by their craftmanship and splendor.

In the mid-1200, the Mongols invaded Moscow and Kyiv and destroyed them both by fire. Throughout the next centuries there were numerous wars and struggles for power between princes — Lithuanians, Prussians, Poles, Ottomans and Russians.  In 1326, Russia moved the seat and Patriarchy of the Orthodox Church from Kyiv to Moscow, which after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks, was named the Third Rome.

In 1547, Ivan the Terrible was the first proclaimed ”Czar and grand prince of all Russia.” Through marriage, he marked the beginning of the Romanov Dynasty which lasted till the end of World War I, when the last Czar Nicholas II abdicated and subsequently was killed by the revolutionary Bolsheviks.  From 1917 till 1922 civil war broke out in the Russian Empire, commonly known as the Russian Revolution which ended with the formation of the Marxist communist based Soviet Union, consisting of 12 republics, including Ukraine

From 1930-32, Stalin aggressively pursued collectivization of the rich farmland of Ukraine.  When the farmers resisted, the Soviet Union caused the death of 5 million peasants by starvation (Holodomor). It is today recognized as purposeful genocide.

Less than 20 years later, Hitler invaded Ukraine. This was seen as an opportunity by Ukrainians to break away from the yoke of the Soviet Union, so many sided with Hitler.  But, in 1943-44 Stalin returned with his army and subjugated them, again. Many Ukrainians were shot, being suspected of  working for Germany. Stalin never forgave Ukraine for breaking loyalty to the “motherland” which made him inflict much suffering on the people. 

In 1940, the three Baltic States were annexed, totaling 15 Soviet republicsNikita Khrushchev, a native born Ukrainian, followed Stalin. In 1954, he annexed Crimea from the Russian into the Ukrainian Republic of the Soviet Union. All these conflicts and wars caused many changes and shifting of boundaries, especially to the borders of Ukraine and shaped culture, language and the Russian and Ukrainian peoples very differently.

Generally speaking, Russians are very fatalistic in their thinking. Ukrainians are go getters. Most successful ministries we have seen in Russia were started and/or are run by Ukrainians or Belarussians. Why: One of the advertising slogans of LifeKeys is: “Life can be better!” An average Russian will respond to that: “No life has always been bad, it is bad now and it will always be bad.”  Say the same to a Ukrainian and the response will be something like: “O yeah? Show me how!” This will affect the way they read the Bible, the way they respond to tragedy, the way they respond to Grace, the way they see God as Father, also how they respond to propaganda.

We experienced this first hand in 1999. Our family lived with the Bridge Bible school students in a large home in the outskirts of  St. Petersburg. The war was raging in the Balkans. One day the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade Serbia was bombed by NATO forces. Serbia of course was a staunch ally of Russia at the time. All the students watched the Russian TV report after dinner, which was brought in the old Soviet war propaganda style.  In an instant, the spiritual atmosphere at the school changed. The Russian students, including our interpreter, became instantly fatalistic about what this event would mean for life and became very downcast.  The three Belarussian students took it very differently. They did not become downcast but rather tried to encourage the Russians.   It took two weeks to get back to our normal daily routine.

Putin has expressed that the collapse of the Soviet Union is one of the biggest disasters in history! This view is not shared by the other 14 republics, definitely not Ukraine.

We have hundreds of great ministry friends in Russia as well as in Ukraine. We find that, since 2014, it has been nearly impossible to talk with many of our Russian friends about the Ukrainian situation as they are ignorant about the reality on the ground in the country. The reason is that factual news in Russia are carefully controlled and being blocked by the government in favor of their propaganda and disinformation.

Many Russians living in Ukraine are unable to convey to their relatives  back in their homeland that there even is a war Ukraine—they are simply not being believed!  The general consensus by the public in Russia is that Putin’s invasion is a “Geopolitical Problem”, and with that, totally ignoring the loss of life and the suffering of the people, due to a war that was started by Russia (in my opinion) in 2014.  The 2022 war is a continuation and escalation of the same conflict which now is a full scale invasion.My problem is not with the Russian people, as they are victims, as well. This is not their war, it is a war waged by Putin’s evil regime.

We are directly in touch with many of our Ukrainian friends & have received many  eyewitness statements from so many on the ground fleeing the atrocities.  The suffering is real!   Our hearts and prayers are with them. We have decided to help as many as we can.


The Bridge had a large presence in Russia in the 90ties through evangelistic outreaches, Bible schools and church plantings, but we were not directly involved in Ukraine.  Last month, when Putin with his Russian war machine invaded Ukraine, I wanted to give a perspective on the situation beyond the partisan news of the mainstream media by a outsider who knows the inside.  I contacted our friend and former ministry partner in Russia, Roedie Rap from Australia. For 25 years, he and his family have been actively and broadly engaged in Bible based teaching and mentoring both in Russia and Ukraine.

To better understand the issues of the present, it is important to understand the past.  Roedie shares his testimony, gives you a brief historic account of the two nations, and then expresses his views on the present conflict.

Through Roedie’s network of relationships and contacts in Poland and Moldovia, we are able to send relief funds directly to the Ukrainian victims of war.  Please mark you donation Ukraine Relief

Tajikistan / Kyrgyzstan—Rustam and Zamira Serving Families with the Love of Jesus

RUSTAM: I was born on December 24, 1982 in the city of Dushanbe, Tajikistan.  I had a very difficult childhood.  We were five children, but when my parents fell into despair because of unemployment, my father became very aggressive and began drinking.  When he was drunk he was violent and beat us.  Often, we did not have bread at home because Dad drank away all the money.   Often as a little boy at 5:00 am I would I leave my home and walk through the garbage heaps in the city looking for something to eat.   When my mother contracted tuberculosis we were removed from our home by the authorities and placed in an orphanage. I was five years old. 

Four years later I ran away from the orphanage and ended up in the streets.  While a street kid, Civil War broke out in my country, resulting in severe famine.  I experienced first hand the horror of war.  I saw many dead people in the streets, both men, women and children; even a pregnant woman was killed right in front of me.  I did not understand why people were killing and doing terrible things to each other!  Later my siblings and I returned home and lived there for a while.

Then, my older sister came to know about a church nearby.  During the visit she heard the Gospel and became the first in my family to believe in Jesus Christ.  She then asked me to join her. We began attending the church regularly, and  gradually I came to faith in Jesus Christ.  Learning that God loves me and is my heavenly Father brought me much happiness.

When my Dad found out that we were attending a Christian church, he beat us furiously.  We were Muslims and believing in another god than Allah was illegal.  So, we fled home, again and sought shelter at the church.  We still loved our Dad very much, and would at times visit my parents and pray for them.  I would cry over the fact that we could not live together, but my Dad insisted that we were no more his children.

On October 1, 2000, a tragedy took place in our church.  More than 350 believers were gathered for worship service.  Suddenly, during the collection two bombs exploded among the people in the midst of the sanctuary.  It was carried out by Islamic radicals.  Just before the explosion, I had gone to the bathroom so I was not in my seat when one of the bombs went off, only two meters from where I had been sitting! I miraculously survived but there were 11 dead and 48 wounded among my brothers and sister in Christ.  One brother who was my friend died right there. The church survived—to the Glory of God, and became stronger and grew, as we kept fasting and praying.  

I had a deep desire to play the guitar and God helped me quickly learn how to play correctly. After a while I began to play in a worship group and kept praising God for this gift.  Later, I started two courses in the church for those interested in learning to play the guitar; many joined and became quite good.  We began the study sessions with praying and sharing the Word of God with each other. As time went on we also began studying and learning the Word together.  I led two groups, one for young men and one for young women.

A young woman by the name of Zamira joined to learn to play the guitar.  I liked her, and gradually we became friends. She knew the Lord and had attended the church before we met; actually, her whole family were believers in Christ.  After a while, we began praying for our future children and ministry.  In 2009, we were married, and a short time after we moved to the capital city of Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.  We have a daughter, Sevinch and a son, Daniyar.  

Many years ago, I dreamed of having a good family and a good ministry.  Today, the Lord has fulfilled everything that I dreamed of.  He has given me a good wife in Zamira.
We do what we love doing among the Kyrgyz, Kurds, Gypsies and Russians peoples: serving with the love of Jesus widows, orphans, families, and parents who have lost their jobs. 

The Lord has given Zamira the gift of healing.  When she prays and lays hands on the sick, people often receive physical healing, which demonstrates God’s power and love to the unbelievers and encourages the faith of the believers. My dream is that as many orphans of widows and families as possible learn about Jesus Christ and accept Him as a personal Savior in their hearts.  Thank you brothers and sister for your prayers and love for us and our people!

ZAMIRA:  I was born in 1984 as one of four children to a Muslim family in the capital city of Dushanbe, Tajikistan.  My  parents were devout Muslims, so we learned the Surah from the Qur’an at an early age and knew the entire biography of the Prophet Muhammad.  Every night we would gather to recall what we had learned from the Qur’an.  The required 40 day fasting according to Muslim custom was also part of our lives.

Then, in 1998, the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to me. My classmate from school brought a few Christian pamphlets to my home.  She told  me she had left Islam and had accepted a different faith, in Christ and was going to a place called church to worship her new god.  At the time, my family had trouble, so I thought that perhaps reading these pamphlets would help me cope. 

I locked myself in my room and secretly began reading the booklets.  Something happened to me as I read that Jesus loved me and what a good God He is. The presence of God filled me with such an overwhelming sense of the awareness that He loved me personally that I began crying and I kept saying, “You are so kind, so very kind, Jesus. I want to believe in a God like You, I want  to accept You as my Savior.”   I knelt and prayed the prayer of repentance printed at the end of one of the booklets and simply invited Jesus Christ into my heart.

From that day on, big changes took place in my life.  The Lord Jesus is never late, He comes on time. He found me and came to me, as His mission is to seek and find the lost.

The Bible promises that you and your whole house will be saved. I told my mother and sisters about Jesus and I gave them the same pamphlets I had read. They began to read I prayed to Jesus for them.  One by one, each of my family members accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. A joy we had never known before filled our home. Now smiles and happiness became part of our lives.

In 2000, I began attending church. One Sunday, I missed church.  I later learned that that day there had been an explosion in our church and I realized that the Lord Jesus had saved me from the disaster. He is our great Protector! In 2001, our entire family was baptized.

I told my grandmother about Jesus.  At the time she was a Muslim who faithfully read the prayers in Arabic from the three books of the Qur’an which had been left by my grandfather who had been a Great Mullah.  When I told my grandmother about Christ and that God loves her very much, she listened very carefully. In the evenings, when I read the Bible to her, the Holy Spirit touched her and she would cry. Her leg and knee were painful.  The day she agreed to pray with me, her leg was healed. She accepted Jesus as her Lord!

I  began serving the church in a worship group. There were courses in the church to learn how to play the guitar. I really wanted to learn how to play that instrument, so I joined the group.
The instructor was a young guy named Rustam.  He later became my husband.  In his testimony here, Rustam describes the events that brought us together.  We have two children.


In this issue I am presenting you with a young couple  from the country of Tajikistan.  Rustam and Zamira Kazakbaev are serving the Lord among their own people in Tajikistan, as well among others in Kyrgyzstan, the country in which they currently live.

In June and July, 2014, I visited Central Asia  and participated in the joyous celebration of Agape Evangelical Center’s 25th Anniversary in Almaty, Kazakhstan with whom we have partnered since its inception, and also visited one of our other partners, Yermek Balykbekov in the city of Karaganda.  Then, I had a few days in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan where I met with a few Afghan refugees we had been helping.  There I was introduced to Rustam and Zamira, who invited me to stay in their home for the duration of the visit.   There was an immediate rapport, a kindred spirit between us.   I was impressed by their strong testimonies of faith, their humility, clarity and simplicity in following Jesus’ commandments to love and serve the unlovely, the poor, the hurting, the marginalized communities ignored by the world. With much joy, I share their life stories with you!  If you want to financially support the ministry of Rustam and Zamira, please  mark your donation: 8347 Kyrgyzstan Workers.  Thank You!


TAJIKISTAN is a country in Central Asia surrounded by Afghanistan, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan .  Tajikistan has the smallest amount of land among the five Central Asian states, but in terms of elevation it has the highest mountains of any other country in the region, with nine-tenths of the territory being mountainous, half reaching over  10,000 ft above sea level.  It is the poorest country in the region.  Dushanbe is the capital city.  In 1991, Tajikistan became an independent sovereign nation as the Soviet Union collapsed.  Almost immediately after independence, a civil war broke out between ethnic groups, lasting five years, causing much death and destruction. Since then, some political stability was reached, but under the present authoritarian regime led by President Emomali Rahmon who has been in power since 1994, there is still extensive corruption and widespread violations of human rights, including torture, arbitrary imprisonment, worsening political repression, and a lack of religious and other civil liberties. The Tajiks speak a form of a Persian based language.  In a population of nearly 10 million, 98% are Muslims, so the small communities of Christians face hardship and persecution.

KYRGYZSTAN borders to Tajikistan, to Kazakhstan and the other countries mentioned above.  It is also mountainous with one third of the country having peaks above  10,000 ft above sea level.  It is also regarded as one of the poorer countries in the region. The population is appr. 5 million with Bishkek as the capital city. Kyrgyz, which is Turkish based, is the officially spoken language.  Situated at the crossroads of several great ancient civilizations along the Silk Road with other commercial routes, it has a history which spans a variety of ancient cultures and empires.  In 1991, it won independence from the Soviet Union.   In 2021, the government embraced a presidential system.  It has a history of enduring ethnic conflicts, revolts, economic troubles, transitional governments and political conflict. There is a measure of religious freedom, with 90% of the population being Muslim and 7% adhering the Christian faith.

2021 Annual Bridge Report

Dear Friends and Partners:

Steve and R.K. Ulrich

Steve and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!  We trust that 2022 finds you in good health and prospering in all things, even as your soul prospers! (3. John 1:2).

We specifically thank all those of you who so generously contributed to our mission partners and their projects last year, whether in prayer or via donations.  Your 2021 itemized Donor Statement is sent to your postal address and  includes the official contribution receipt for your Federal Tax Return, so please keep it in a safe place with your financial records.


Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?  The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.                                                                                  Psalms2:1-3

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic emerged from China onto the world stage, quickly expanding across the globe with death and destruction. 2021 proved to be another equally tumultuous year:  The lockdowns, originally instituted by the authorities as short term safety measures, “for the Greater Good” to get on top of the pandemic, gradually shifted in many places into authoritative mandates, with dire consequences if not followed.  The abnormal gradually became normal!  Whether intended or unintended, the massive transformation caused by required masking, social distancing, the closing of businesses, schools, social and spiritual activities, along with the isolation of people from all other meaningful human interactions, brought lasting negative effects in communities worldwide.  Beyond the obvious tragedy and grief of losing loved ones to the pandemic, it has caused equal, if not worse, misery:  family breakups, financial ruin, increased poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, depression and suicide.

Governments, public health officials and major drug companies came together in search for remedies to eradicate and stop the pandemic.  Vaccines were quickly launched for emergency use, regretfully bypassing the traditional safety net of scientific research.  But time was short.  On Dec. 14, 2020 the first human being took the vaccine.  In 2021, a number of vaccines and boosters followed from various drug companies .

With the availability of the jab more prevalent, increasingly more governments and health authorities slowly began instituting mandatory vaccination for their entire population.  We watched as politicians, public health agencies, big pharma, as well as the mainstream and social media joined in a powerful union.  They launched a massive worldwide media campaign with the promise that the virus would be quickly eradicated and life as it used to be would return to normal for the world at large, if everybody would take this safe and effective vaccine.

Initially, the majority of the world’s population trusted their leaders and willingly complied. Those, who for a number of legitimate reasons chose not to readily obey, but questioned and debated the official narrative, or decided to promote prophylactic alternative treatments, began to feel the pressure of the ever tightening draconian measures.  Many were vilified, accused of spreading dangerous “conspiracy theories”, canceled by social media and branded as pariahs.  They lost their jobs and were locked out from society at large as government-issued vaccination passports started to be introduced.  The only entrance back into society: Take the Jab!

However, as the year progressed, the official public narrative gradually began fading in the fog of disinformation and outright lies told by the powers that be.  The people discovered that many leaders did not submit to the mandates they had instituted for the public.  They became aware that some of the top  leaders who called out the “anti-vaxxers”, were the very ones enriching themselves through the jab.  The “vaccinated” discovered that multiple jabs and boosters do not protect them against being infected, re-infected or infect others, and concerns kept growing over the increasing number of serious medical side effects reported from the jab. The “unvaccinated” realized that, after recovering from Covid-19, their own natural immune system produced antibodies which provide a better and more lasting protection than the vaccines.

By the end of the year, people everywhere began asking, “What is happening?”  The world was awakening to the reality that an agenda besides health was emerging!

The pandemic has been the perfect opportunity for the globalist elites to take charge and centralize their grip on power with their Marxist-based Fascist ideology of totalitarianism.  They believe, in order to bring equity to the world’s resources, and managing the agenda of global warming, a shift must happen from the individual nations’ right to govern their citizens by democratically elected representatives, to a global governance by a self appointed group among the rich and powerful.  At the core of that elite leadership are members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) with its founder, Klaus Schwab, who thinks the time is near for The Great Reset to a New World Order—the shifting to a global governance will be successfully instituted “for the Good of Mankind.” The draconian mandates by the authorities to “protect” the world population against Covid-19 give them a perfect opportunity to test the introduction of this paradigm shift.

A massive reorganization in the centralization and consolidation of global power is taking place, and the pressure to comply in absolute obedience to the agenda keeps increasing. Individuality, dissent, faith and loyalty to a Higher Power, i.e. to the Biblical Jesus Christ, and the authority of the Word of God must not, and cannot be tolerated.  Those who protest against this public narrative must quickly be brought back in line, silenced by fear tactics and canceled from the public domain by social media and big corporations as a threat to peace and security. The longstanding war against the Judeo-Christian world view and persecution of believers in Jesus keep increasing in most totalitarian countries.  However, the fact that there are forces embracing these tactics in Western Democracies – especially the United States – indicates they are moving towards tyranny and away from the individual freedom guaranteed by their Constitutions.  The beacon of freedom with its shining light is dimming in the world, making the darkness a lot darker!

As the year came to an end, people the world over rose up in protest against the serious overreach by their governments.  Daily, there now are large protests against the draconian mandates and the vaccine passports in many major cities throughout the world.  These protests involve people from all walks of life, including highly educated and qualified doctors, scientists, professors, and specialists in the fields of virology, many of whom have been banned from the public sphere for sharing their expertise which do not line up with the public narrative.

You may wonder why so much attention in this Annual Report is given to the issues above, rather than focusing only on individual testimonies from the missionaries we sponsor. Our aim is to point out to you the fundamental change from individual freedom and liberty to the demand for absolute global obedience with its devastating consequences on everybody everywhere.  This also includes those serving the Gospel in the nations, although these effects are more acutely noticed in the free world!


 Although there continued to be lockdowns and restrictions placed on churches and fellowships in every nation where our Harvesters serve—in some places more severe than others—everyone, without exception, positively rose to the challenge.  They did not shrink back, but found new, creative ways of serving and bringing the Gospel to the people.  Due to the generosity of some of our donors, we were able to help, above and beyond our long term financial commitments, with food distribution in several communities among  destitute people who had become impoverished by the effects of the pandemic. 

The Internet also continued to be a source of blessing for the missionaries in virtually presented the Gospel to the unsaved and reaching their flocks with preaching, teaching and encouragement during the lockdowns. Fellowship replaced isolation and fear with Faith, Love and Hope!

There have also been devastatingly dark moments and discouraging times for some of our partners.  Topping the list is my good, longstanding friend, P.V. with his dedicated team.  For decades they served the Afghan people with God’s unconditional love, first among the refugees in Europe.  When the time was right, they then did the extraordinary thing—building from scratch the Village of Peace within Afghanistan! It was a Lighthouse of hope where the locals were trained to manage and administrate the many cottage industries and businesses within the Village, with the result that thousands were lifted out of poverty and despair!  The Afghan people gained a hope and a future!

Suddenly, in one swoop, it was all in ruin!  In the wake of the disastrous pullout of American troops followed the coup Taliban which brought them to power, darkness, terror and indescribable suffering are again the portion for the people of Afghanistan. However, there is a ray of hope. The locals who received and still carry the Light within, also maintain the hope that they will rebuild what has been destroyed. See https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2020/06/

Disaster also struck Haiti with a devastation earthquake in the area where one of our partners, Beraca Baptist Church in NY has for a decade had a thriving ministry and relief aid program through 1700 local church fellowships.  They did not flee from the disaster area, but rather pulled in with the locals and continued providing relief and bringing  His marvelous Light to the victims! Again, we assisted financially. See https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2021/10/

Cuba is another country which experienced major unrest and protests, due to the fact that there was no food in the country—people were starving.  Our longstanding partner, Jorge, found creative ways to help the Christians most in need, even through closed doors. Our donors participated! See https://www.bridgeinternational.org/2021/08/

To find information and updates on the Missionary/Harvester you have sponsored – or if you have an interest in the work of our Bridge partners in a specific region or country – please go to the website header above, click on COUNTRIES, then on REGIONS and you will find what you are looking for.  Click on ANNUAL REPORTS to get an overview on the last five years of Bridge activities. If you click on the DONATE button, it opens to a convenient way to give!
Blessings, Steve and R.K. Ulrich